Assalamualikum dearies :)
I always think that everyone needs a good communication skills. Come to think it back, dont we? Especially when we, as a leader we really need it most. Hm this post may sounds like Im doing an essay but actually not haha. I love to observe people arounds me. Heee
Some of us (bukan semua) throughout their communication with others may sounds like arrogant, boosting themselves, pointing their fingers to others, bossy etc. Dan tak kurang jugak yang macam tanak layan orang, suka menyendiri, buat muka bila cakap dengan orang and blablabla. Well, maybe some people say that "dah perangai kita lain-lain biarlah, dia ada cara dia, aku ada cara aku" And I will take that as yes, thats true!
But....dont you think that if you are communicating with others, it means that there is some sort of perhubungan with 2 parties. Maksudnya its not just about you, it is between you and her/him. So segala jenis perangai kita yang pepelik tadi tu we cant simply main redah guna je. Sebab WARNING! it may cause harm to the other one. Just like how we dont like when people scold us, talking like rubbish to us and blablabla so do others right? Simple je, what you give you get back. Kalau awak cakap bagi orang sakit hati, rasa menyampah cakap dengan awak no doubt that you will experienced it later.
And also we need to know on how to tolerate with others. Especially if you are a leader. A leader is not about commanding others but its about how much you gain respects from your people. Kan best kalau jadi leader yang disenangi semua orang :) So firstly communication skills tu kena betul. Doesnt mean if people ask you rudely, you have to answer rudely. Thats not how a genius leader answers. Use some creativity in answering, that may helps too ;)
Kalau kita cakap elok elok dengan orang, muka happy je suara ceria kan best. Okay la some people muka memang macam agak sombong so macam mana? And takkan la dengan orang yang baru kenal pun nak kena buat suara ceria macam dah kenal 10 tahun kan? Okay we got some exception here haha nak cakap dengan tiada riak di wajah pun boleh la but yang penting your words. Lidah lebih tajam dari mata pedang kan? so words can describe everything. Beware of what comes out from your mouth because that actually reflects you.
Sekian dari saya yang masih membetulkan my communication skills. This is just my opinion and not a fact so dont use it in your essay :p
p/s: sesejak masuk degree ni buat entry pun pasal serious matter je kan hahaha okay lepas ni kita back to childhood sikit eh ahaks
Nov 3, 2013
Sep 26, 2013
Degree life somehow can turn you crazy and miserable. Thought that I was strong enough to tackle this thing out. But then being a normal human being there are times when we feel so down. Yet it is so difficult for me now. Everything seems so hard to catch. Everything seems to be unorganized. And the worst part is time waits for no man. The clock is ticking and I cant barely know what I have already done for the past 3 weeks. Yeah a month almost to pass by...
I always think that I am capable of overcoming this sort of problem. Well I dont even thought that it can turn out to be like this. Never thought of it! I have confident in myself before. But dont know where it is wrong after few sessions of OC it changed me lots. Come to worst, will be having our first test before eid adha and that really drives me crazy!
Who says degree is an easy thing? Meh nak ketuk kepala! Its totally different with foundation and matric life and even school life. Although Ive been go through foundation which is lots people say that as a pre-degree life, still I dont think it was. You know, when you feel so down and cant even digest anything the best cure is back to Him. Allah As-Sami' - The All Hearing.
Its time to regain back my confident. Its time to shine back. Its time to stand up and fight! Dean list for ibu and ayah - thats my wish. Dear friends who are reading this, please do pray for me. And dont worry I always pray for my friends' success together ;)
I always think that I am capable of overcoming this sort of problem. Well I dont even thought that it can turn out to be like this. Never thought of it! I have confident in myself before. But dont know where it is wrong after few sessions of OC it changed me lots. Come to worst, will be having our first test before eid adha and that really drives me crazy!
Who says degree is an easy thing? Meh nak ketuk kepala! Its totally different with foundation and matric life and even school life. Although Ive been go through foundation which is lots people say that as a pre-degree life, still I dont think it was. You know, when you feel so down and cant even digest anything the best cure is back to Him. Allah As-Sami' - The All Hearing.
Its time to regain back my confident. Its time to shine back. Its time to stand up and fight! Dean list for ibu and ayah - thats my wish. Dear friends who are reading this, please do pray for me. And dont worry I always pray for my friends' success together ;)
written on
6:48 PM
Sep 7, 2013
R3801 (in memory)
A place with thousand memories
You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Why they have to be so much things that we do together girls? :'(

There are times when things cannot be expressed into words
And those are the things that happened to me in palam
Tengok movie kat bilik D sampai pukul 4 pagi on weekend lepastu memasing dah malas nak balik bilik terus tido situ day tu bila zura tweet something yang sedih terus semua orang kumpul bilik C to cheer her up...prank kan dolly dalam bilik air waktu birthday dia haha kesian dolly...waktu bulan puasa everyday mesti iftar sesama kat ruang tamu..birthday surprise untuk zura yang sangat best..
Dapat sambung degree balik kat palam is such a blessing for me. Ikr ramai yang complaint rindu palam, palam the best and so on. But then disebabkan itu jugalah every place I go remind me to all of you T.T walaupun pergi angsana je but kita kan pernah makan roti canai kat situ! T_T lagikkkk
Meroyan teruk malam ni teringat korang semua. Ya Allah sumpah rindu sesangat...jangan marah aku sebab rindu korang teruk punya ini malam haha dh rindu mana boleh tahan tahan lagi tampar mau? hahaha
Semoga Allah merahmati dan merindui kalian semua. Doaku bersama kalian! Sekali lagi goodluck in everything that you do. Semoga ukhuwah ini kekal selamanya <3 br="">
You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Why they have to be so much things that we do together girls? :'(

There are times when things cannot be expressed into words
And those are the things that happened to me in palam
Tengok movie kat bilik D sampai pukul 4 pagi on weekend lepastu memasing dah malas nak balik bilik terus tido situ day tu bila zura tweet something yang sedih terus semua orang kumpul bilik C to cheer her up...prank kan dolly dalam bilik air waktu birthday dia haha kesian dolly...waktu bulan puasa everyday mesti iftar sesama kat ruang tamu..birthday surprise untuk zura yang sangat best..
Dapat sambung degree balik kat palam is such a blessing for me. Ikr ramai yang complaint rindu palam, palam the best and so on. But then disebabkan itu jugalah every place I go remind me to all of you T.T walaupun pergi angsana je but kita kan pernah makan roti canai kat situ! T_T lagikkkk
Meroyan teruk malam ni teringat korang semua. Ya Allah sumpah rindu sesangat...jangan marah aku sebab rindu korang teruk punya ini malam haha dh rindu mana boleh tahan tahan lagi tampar mau? hahaha
Semoga Allah merahmati dan merindui kalian semua. Doaku bersama kalian! Sekali lagi goodluck in everything that you do. Semoga ukhuwah ini kekal selamanya <3 br="">
written on
10:19 PM
Jul 15, 2013
Assalamualaikum...lama sangat tinggal blog sampai dah tak reti nak taip macam mana haha. Everytime cakap nak update blog je mesti tak kesampaian haha okay update as fast as possible.
Macam yang tertera di atas dengan sukacitanya saya memaklumkan yang saya bakal jadi warga puncak alam sekali lagi hihihi yeay alhamdulillah Allah tunaikan impian untuk sambung bidang farmasi :) Terima kasih kepada semua yang mendoakan agar saya dapat course ini yeee terima kasih banyak banyak jasamu dikenang :D Dulu setiap kali orang tanya "apply mana upu?" everytime I will answer "pharmacy..tolong doakan saya dpt ye" and I believe ini juga sedikit sebanyak berkat doa dari semua :')
Actually to be truth my result wasn't that good. I spoiled my Biology paper betul tak tipu. Dan disebabkan itulah I cant apply pharmacy in UM,UKM and USM. Ye adik adik sekalian kalau nak apply pharmacy di UM make sure 4 flat setiap sem tauuuu. Walaupun physic tak penting physic pun kena A jugak ye. Sebab biasalah zaman sekarang orang bijok bijok belako. USM pulak sila lah jaga MUET anda bagi dapat band 4 ke atas sekian. Kakak ni muet dia teruk sikit itu pasal tak lepas syarat. Oh ya nasib baik lah ada UiTM di Hatiku ni syarat farmasi tak ketat sangat Alhamdulillah lepas syarat nak apply pun. Tapi itu je lah satu satunya harapan untuk sambung farmasi and thats why I was very scared about the result huhu
And disebabkan result Bio teruk banyak kos kos penting dalam Health Science tak lepas nak mintak. My second choice is dietetik tapi tak lepas syarat T_______T Sebab itulah kena pilih UMS untuk second choice. Dan sebenarnya memang pasrah sangat sangat dah kalau dicampak ke Sabah sekalipun. Tapi pilihan ketiga tu memang tak tahan hermm doktor gigi kot hihi actually tak sangka pun farmasi dgn pergigian syarat diorang sama je. Sebab tak pernah terlintas dalam fikiran untuk sambung dentistry haha tapi bila cakap kat ibu, ibu suruh apply je dent. Lama jugak berperang nak apply ke tanak kang kalau dapat acano hmm lastly letak je laa. Sebab selama ni ibu ayah tak pernah halang apa pun kos yang aku nak sambung. So apa salahnya kalau sekali aje fulfill kan hasrat ibu kan. Itu pun memula apply I put dentistry as my 4th choice hahaha eceh naik satu tangga je pun kikiki
Best jugak tengok kawan kawan yang lain google pasal degree dan tempat kediaman diorang nanti tapi kita dah tahu dah tempat tinggal mcm mana hehe siap ada tangga kejayaan lagik :p Okay sedih jugak dok google pasal degree in pharmacy kat palam tapi tak jumpa pun blog yang berkenaan sobs sobs kalau jumpa tolong bagitahu ye^^
Dulu waktu zaman sekolah menengah tak pernah sangka akan pursue pharmacy waktu degree. Time tu dalam otak hanya lah nak jadi doktor tak pun jadi pensyarah. And to be exact chemistry waktu form 5 memang agak susah nak score pun. But thats it we never know what will be in future aite? Ditakdirkan kat palam bercambahnya (pehh kosakata) minat dalam chemistry nak buek cano kan. Dan waktu tu minat untuk end up as a doctor pun makin kurang. Ingat senang ke nak habiskan 5 tahun study dah tu nanti kerja komitmen kena tinggi. Pagi pagi keluar matahari tak naik lagi bila balik rumah matahari dah tenggalam T.T kesian suami dan anak anak hahaha family first kan. Konklusinya di sini semua benda dah ditetapkan oleh Allah perfectly! Maybe if we are not getting what we want now, Allah has planned something much bigger for us in future :) so keep calm and lets make doa ye. Peace!
written on
3:19 PM
May 20, 2013
Asasi sains UiTM puncak alam
Lama sangat tak update blog. Last adalah LIMA bulan yang lalu. okay nampak lah kebusy-an di situ. Konon konon busy. So lets havva a quick entry. Well before that Alhamdulillah i've officially ended my foundation programme in UiTM Puncak Alam. Everything went smoothly. Result pun dah dapat. Both result for uitm and upu dah tahu. And know still waiting for the upu result. Tengok lah kena campak kat mana nanti.
Okay actually nak share dengan adik adik (ehem sila panggil akak anis ye) pasal course asasi sains uitm and especially pasal puncak alam sendiri. Okay are you ready kids? Lets gooo!
1) Course
Okay first pasal course asasi sains ni sendiri. Well as you all know kat Malaysia ni ada banyak universiti yang menawarkan course asasi sains macam UM, UKM, UNIMAS, UMS, UPM and UIA. Tapi untuk universiti tu tak tahu lah macam mana diorang punya sistem pembelajaran. I can only share about uitm punya asasi. But before that I would like to congrates you all yang dapat sebab qualification for asasi UiTM is among the highest! Congratulations sebab anda berjaya dapat! We rock yeahh! Okay dah. Basically apa yang awak akan belajar lebih kurang basic macam SPM lah. But more details. Subject major is Math, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. And akan ada 2 minor subjects which is BEL (Basic English Language) and CITU (Centre for Islamic Thinking and Understanding) Pengajian selama 2 semester sahaja and one sem lasts about 5 months. But actually macam 4 bulan je sebab bulan ke 5 tu dah start final exam. And do score well for your final. Sebab setiap tahun budak 4 flat tu berlambak lambak -_- Kalau tak mahu merana di masa hadapan dengar la pesan akak ni jangan main banyak sangat. Nak main boleh tapi berpada pada lah. Jangan jadi macam akak okay? Result akan dikira by 50:50 which is 50% from your carry mark and 50% from your final exam. Kalau nak dapat good result make sure your carry mark exceeds 40, inshaAllah cerah masa depan :) Macam mana nak score carry mark? do well in quizzes, lab reports and assignment. Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal course ni sila klik link ni
Okay pasal cgpa ni susah sikit nak faham so sila dengar elok elok ye. From semua asasi yang disebutkan di atas tadi tu hanya ada dua universiti sahaja yang membenarkan student dia sambung degree ke universiti lain. Means that awak ada chance untuk ke oversea kalau nak. And the two universiti is UiTM and UM. Yeayyy! Actually this is one of the strong reason I chose to go to UiTM. Sebab konon nak sambung degree kat oversea. Okay so untuk other universiti tu you have no choice to go. Awak kena bertahan lah lagi 4 ke 5 tahun di situ untuk sambung degree awak hehehe. But to think it in a good way kan, at least kita dah tahu kat mana nak sambung degree kan. Tempat tu dah ada just have to score well je. Okay back to cgpa, like I said earlier lepas habis asasi kena isi balik upu. So you kena bersaing dengan budak matrikulasi, asasi um and also budak budak stpm for degree. Okay untuk pengiraan cgpa pulak akan ada dua cgpa, First peringkat uitm and secondly for upu. And both (cgpa upu and uitm) will be different unless you dapat 4 flat in each semester. Sebab apa lain? Sebab budak budak matriks belajar 4 subjek je kan? So kita nak selaraskan for pointer upu akan kira untuk 4 subject teras je. So it is now fair and square lah kan? Pointer uitm dikira berdasarkan semua 6 subjek. Dannnn ada lagi berita baiknya. Kalau masuk asasi sains uitm pengiraan cgpa upu akan dibuat berdasarkan 3 subjek yang terbaik daripada semua 4 itu. Haaa cool tak? Best kannnn! Tapi ada syarat which is dalam 3 subjek tu, Mathematics adalah wajib. So lagi dua subjek boleh tengok berdasarkan Chemistry, Physic and Biology. Jadi kalau rasa tak suka Biology (like me) boleh la ignore kan sikit. Focuskan untuk physic and chemistry and math. Bagi dapat A untuk ketiga tiga subject inshaAllah pointer upu awak 4.00! Haaa meletopzzz! Tapi kalau boleh score A jugak untuk bio score lahhhh. Sebab budak pandai kat Malaysia ni sekarang berlambak sangat -____- So dah faham tak? Kalau dah faham nak bagitahu lagi satu berita baikkkk! Haaa uitm kan baikk sebab tu uitm selalu di hatiku ;) Selalu untuk pengiraan cgpa dia akan kira purata gred sem 1 and sem 2 kan. Contoh kalau sem 1 math dapat B+ and sem 2 math dapat A. So bila kita tambah and bahagia dua sepatutnya dapat A- lah kan? Tengah tengah antara dua. TAPI tak untuk uitm. Dia tak kira nilai gred sebaliknya dia akan kira berdasarkan MARKAH kita. Contoh lah kan grading for B+ is between 66-69 untuk A- pulak 70-75 untuk A is between 76-100. Ini just untuk contoh ye sebab tak ingat dah grading dia yang sebenar. So kalau katakan sem 1 dapat B+ dapat about 68. And masuk sem 2 pulun sehabis pulun dapat lah A dapat 88 katakan. So sekarang tambahkan 68 dengan 88 dan bahagi dengan 2. Dapat 78. Based on the grading 78 dah A kan? So see kan dah dapat A! Haaaa best kan uitm ni! Sebab tu jangan risau kalau sem 1 awak tak dapat B+ rasa peluang dah tipis. Yang penting bila masuk sem kedua usaha betul betul mesti boleh dapat A! Tak percaya? Percaya lahhh. Sebab that really happens to me. I got B+ for my math waktu sem 1. Tapi sem 2 jaga carry mark bebetul score kat final Alhamdulillah dapat A. And bila tengok pointer upu dapat A untuk math :)
3) Surrounding
Okay this is what I love about palam! Untuk yang tak tahu palam tu shortform untuk puncak alam k ;) Puncak Alam sangat sangat cantikkkkkk! Kawasan yang sangat luas. Sebab still baru. And jauh dari pencemaran bunyi dan udara. Kadang kadang rasa macam ceruk je bila duduk dalam bilik tapi actually tak jauh pun nak pergi Shah Alam ke Kuala Lumpur ke. Kalau weekend rasa nak turun KL pun no problem! :p Ada blok yang sangat cantikk ala ala kondominium lagi :D Jangan risau ada lif juga kalau malas nak naik tangga hihi
Fakulti yang sangat cantikkk. Bilik kuliah yang selesa tambah wifi lagi :p
Ada classmate yang super cool and sporting haaaa ^_^
Ada kolam ikan yang boleh bagi makan ikan keli yang sangat comel. Boleh round tasik kalau nak jogging petang petang. Kalau nak cycling pun boleh. Basikal disediakan pergi je kat kompleks kemudahan pelajar ^_^ Boleh tengok sunset yang sangat cantik seriously :)
Keadaan bila hujan waktu malam sampai awal pagi. Bangun je tengok kabus tebal je semuaaaaa. Haaa rasa macam kat oversea pulak. Hihihi
Cantik kannnnnn? Lagi satuuuu lupa nak cakap benda yang paling sinonim dengan palam is tangga maut/tangga kejayaan. Stairway to success okayyy ^^
Awal awal memang penat lelah sikit tapi lepas seminggu mesti tak rasa apa dahhh. Dah biasa dah dengan semua ni. Sebab tu budak palam semua cergas cergas ecewahhhh. Kalau nak beli barang boleh pergi Giant Klang atau Tesco Setia Alam naik bas rapid bayar je seringgit. Kalau nak main bowling tengok wayang boleh pergi Setia City Mall okayyy ini sangat best. Sila pergi tapi sediakan duit bebanyak :p Nak pergi Shah Alam pun dekat pergi KL and blabla. Banyak lagi tempat yang menarik tapiii kalau nak letak gambar banyakkkkk sangat haa. Pendek kata palam sangat lah strategik okay. Maka sila lah pilih untuk masuk ke UiTM Puncak Alam. Selamat memilih dan selamat datang! You wont regret to be one of the palamians trust me :)
p/s: kalau ada apa apa nak tanya sila tinggalkan soalan anda di bawah ini ye ;) I will help as much as I can
Lama sangat tak update blog. Last adalah LIMA bulan yang lalu. okay nampak lah kebusy-an di situ. Konon konon busy. So lets havva a quick entry. Well before that Alhamdulillah i've officially ended my foundation programme in UiTM Puncak Alam. Everything went smoothly. Result pun dah dapat. Both result for uitm and upu dah tahu. And know still waiting for the upu result. Tengok lah kena campak kat mana nanti.
Okay actually nak share dengan adik adik (ehem sila panggil akak anis ye) pasal course asasi sains uitm and especially pasal puncak alam sendiri. Okay are you ready kids? Lets gooo!
1) Course
Okay first pasal course asasi sains ni sendiri. Well as you all know kat Malaysia ni ada banyak universiti yang menawarkan course asasi sains macam UM, UKM, UNIMAS, UMS, UPM and UIA. Tapi untuk universiti tu tak tahu lah macam mana diorang punya sistem pembelajaran. I can only share about uitm punya asasi. But before that I would like to congrates you all yang dapat sebab qualification for asasi UiTM is among the highest! Congratulations sebab anda berjaya dapat! We rock yeahh! Okay dah. Basically apa yang awak akan belajar lebih kurang basic macam SPM lah. But more details. Subject major is Math, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. And akan ada 2 minor subjects which is BEL (Basic English Language) and CITU (Centre for Islamic Thinking and Understanding) Pengajian selama 2 semester sahaja and one sem lasts about 5 months. But actually macam 4 bulan je sebab bulan ke 5 tu dah start final exam. And do score well for your final. Sebab setiap tahun budak 4 flat tu berlambak lambak -_- Kalau tak mahu merana di masa hadapan dengar la pesan akak ni jangan main banyak sangat. Nak main boleh tapi berpada pada lah. Jangan jadi macam akak okay? Result akan dikira by 50:50 which is 50% from your carry mark and 50% from your final exam. Kalau nak dapat good result make sure your carry mark exceeds 40, inshaAllah cerah masa depan :) Macam mana nak score carry mark? do well in quizzes, lab reports and assignment. Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal course ni sila klik link ni
Okay pasal cgpa ni susah sikit nak faham so sila dengar elok elok ye. From semua asasi yang disebutkan di atas tadi tu hanya ada dua universiti sahaja yang membenarkan student dia sambung degree ke universiti lain. Means that awak ada chance untuk ke oversea kalau nak. And the two universiti is UiTM and UM. Yeayyy! Actually this is one of the strong reason I chose to go to UiTM. Sebab konon nak sambung degree kat oversea. Okay so untuk other universiti tu you have no choice to go. Awak kena bertahan lah lagi 4 ke 5 tahun di situ untuk sambung degree awak hehehe. But to think it in a good way kan, at least kita dah tahu kat mana nak sambung degree kan. Tempat tu dah ada just have to score well je. Okay back to cgpa, like I said earlier lepas habis asasi kena isi balik upu. So you kena bersaing dengan budak matrikulasi, asasi um and also budak budak stpm for degree. Okay untuk pengiraan cgpa pulak akan ada dua cgpa, First peringkat uitm and secondly for upu. And both (cgpa upu and uitm) will be different unless you dapat 4 flat in each semester. Sebab apa lain? Sebab budak budak matriks belajar 4 subjek je kan? So kita nak selaraskan for pointer upu akan kira untuk 4 subject teras je. So it is now fair and square lah kan? Pointer uitm dikira berdasarkan semua 6 subjek. Dannnn ada lagi berita baiknya. Kalau masuk asasi sains uitm pengiraan cgpa upu akan dibuat berdasarkan 3 subjek yang terbaik daripada semua 4 itu. Haaa cool tak? Best kannnn! Tapi ada syarat which is dalam 3 subjek tu, Mathematics adalah wajib. So lagi dua subjek boleh tengok berdasarkan Chemistry, Physic and Biology. Jadi kalau rasa tak suka Biology (like me) boleh la ignore kan sikit. Focuskan untuk physic and chemistry and math. Bagi dapat A untuk ketiga tiga subject inshaAllah pointer upu awak 4.00! Haaa meletopzzz! Tapi kalau boleh score A jugak untuk bio score lahhhh. Sebab budak pandai kat Malaysia ni sekarang berlambak sangat -____- So dah faham tak? Kalau dah faham nak bagitahu lagi satu berita baikkkk! Haaa uitm kan baikk sebab tu uitm selalu di hatiku ;) Selalu untuk pengiraan cgpa dia akan kira purata gred sem 1 and sem 2 kan. Contoh kalau sem 1 math dapat B+ and sem 2 math dapat A. So bila kita tambah and bahagia dua sepatutnya dapat A- lah kan? Tengah tengah antara dua. TAPI tak untuk uitm. Dia tak kira nilai gred sebaliknya dia akan kira berdasarkan MARKAH kita. Contoh lah kan grading for B+ is between 66-69 untuk A- pulak 70-75 untuk A is between 76-100. Ini just untuk contoh ye sebab tak ingat dah grading dia yang sebenar. So kalau katakan sem 1 dapat B+ dapat about 68. And masuk sem 2 pulun sehabis pulun dapat lah A dapat 88 katakan. So sekarang tambahkan 68 dengan 88 dan bahagi dengan 2. Dapat 78. Based on the grading 78 dah A kan? So see kan dah dapat A! Haaaa best kan uitm ni! Sebab tu jangan risau kalau sem 1 awak tak dapat B+ rasa peluang dah tipis. Yang penting bila masuk sem kedua usaha betul betul mesti boleh dapat A! Tak percaya? Percaya lahhh. Sebab that really happens to me. I got B+ for my math waktu sem 1. Tapi sem 2 jaga carry mark bebetul score kat final Alhamdulillah dapat A. And bila tengok pointer upu dapat A untuk math :)
3) Surrounding
Okay this is what I love about palam! Untuk yang tak tahu palam tu shortform untuk puncak alam k ;) Puncak Alam sangat sangat cantikkkkkk! Kawasan yang sangat luas. Sebab still baru. And jauh dari pencemaran bunyi dan udara. Kadang kadang rasa macam ceruk je bila duduk dalam bilik tapi actually tak jauh pun nak pergi Shah Alam ke Kuala Lumpur ke. Kalau weekend rasa nak turun KL pun no problem! :p Ada blok yang sangat cantikk ala ala kondominium lagi :D Jangan risau ada lif juga kalau malas nak naik tangga hihi
Fakulti yang sangat cantikkk. Bilik kuliah yang selesa tambah wifi lagi :p
Ada classmate yang super cool and sporting haaaa ^_^
Ada kolam ikan yang boleh bagi makan ikan keli yang sangat comel. Boleh round tasik kalau nak jogging petang petang. Kalau nak cycling pun boleh. Basikal disediakan pergi je kat kompleks kemudahan pelajar ^_^ Boleh tengok sunset yang sangat cantik seriously :)
Keadaan bila hujan waktu malam sampai awal pagi. Bangun je tengok kabus tebal je semuaaaaa. Haaa rasa macam kat oversea pulak. Hihihi
Cantik kannnnnn? Lagi satuuuu lupa nak cakap benda yang paling sinonim dengan palam is tangga maut/tangga kejayaan. Stairway to success okayyy ^^
Awal awal memang penat lelah sikit tapi lepas seminggu mesti tak rasa apa dahhh. Dah biasa dah dengan semua ni. Sebab tu budak palam semua cergas cergas ecewahhhh. Kalau nak beli barang boleh pergi Giant Klang atau Tesco Setia Alam naik bas rapid bayar je seringgit. Kalau nak main bowling tengok wayang boleh pergi Setia City Mall okayyy ini sangat best. Sila pergi tapi sediakan duit bebanyak :p Nak pergi Shah Alam pun dekat pergi KL and blabla. Banyak lagi tempat yang menarik tapiii kalau nak letak gambar banyakkkkk sangat haa. Pendek kata palam sangat lah strategik okay. Maka sila lah pilih untuk masuk ke UiTM Puncak Alam. Selamat memilih dan selamat datang! You wont regret to be one of the palamians trust me :)
p/s: kalau ada apa apa nak tanya sila tinggalkan soalan anda di bawah ini ye ;) I will help as much as I can
written on
6:40 PM
Jan 6, 2013
Two zero one three :)
Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera, salam satu puncak (Y)
Its been a while I guess. Did anyone miss me or not? :p Well, im still breathing Alhamdulillah. Have been doing great lately hihi cause im having enough nutrition for my body. Hoyeahhh so have you had your shake today? ;) Herbalife is such a good product I guaranteed you that :) Okay stop with the iklan there
Sooo happy new year everybodyyyy! 2012 had come to the end and lets just forget about all the grieve and pain that we suffered from 2012. And for the lovely and good times let it remains forevaaaa in our minds ;) Good times only comes once babyyy.
And 2013 the year where I'll be pursuing my degree. Ohmaiii im feeling so old *tetiba. I dont wanna end this foundation yet. Gonna miss puncak alam and the people and the scenery so damn muchhhh....Seriouslyy..... Its my first time having roomate having housemates and I really love them, sincerely...
Okay. Birthday putuwieee baru je lepas and we made a birthday surprise for her. We had cakes, sticky notes for the wishes, taking lotsa pics like crazy people and talked about courses for the degree soon. And when its time for putri's wishes it was so touching and hazirah did cried! And how she said that she really loved all of us...Ya Allah berikan kami semua pengakhiran yang baik :')
I wanna change my layout and header too but I dont have much time to play with the html code T.T And I dont know when will be my next post. Uhuk uhuk but then keep calm and stay cool peopleeeee! Much loveeeee xoxo ;)
Its been a while I guess. Did anyone miss me or not? :p Well, im still breathing Alhamdulillah. Have been doing great lately hihi cause im having enough nutrition for my body. Hoyeahhh so have you had your shake today? ;) Herbalife is such a good product I guaranteed you that :) Okay stop with the iklan there
Sooo happy new year everybodyyyy! 2012 had come to the end and lets just forget about all the grieve and pain that we suffered from 2012. And for the lovely and good times let it remains forevaaaa in our minds ;) Good times only comes once babyyy.
And 2013 the year where I'll be pursuing my degree. Ohmaiii im feeling so old *tetiba. I dont wanna end this foundation yet. Gonna miss puncak alam and the people and the scenery so damn muchhhh....Seriouslyy..... Its my first time having roomate having housemates and I really love them, sincerely...
Okay. Birthday putuwieee baru je lepas and we made a birthday surprise for her. We had cakes, sticky notes for the wishes, taking lotsa pics like crazy people and talked about courses for the degree soon. And when its time for putri's wishes it was so touching and hazirah did cried! And how she said that she really loved all of us...Ya Allah berikan kami semua pengakhiran yang baik :')
I wanna change my layout and header too but I dont have much time to play with the html code T.T And I dont know when will be my next post. Uhuk uhuk but then keep calm and stay cool peopleeeee! Much loveeeee xoxo ;)
written on
8:42 PM
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